Blue Mountains, New South Wales, Australia
Blue Mountains, New South Wales, Australia
Baie des tortues, New Caledonia, France
Baie des tortues, New Caledonia, France

Non classé

Le rôle crucial de l’eau pour l’avenir de nos forêts

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Screenshot from 2020-11-23 09-21-55

4 Bordelais classés parmi les chercheurs les plus cités au monde

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Screenshot from 2020-11-23 09-02-43

Drought will not leave your glass empty!

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Long-term measurements in two of the world’s top wine regions evidence that xylem embolism does not occur routinely in grapevine.


safety margin









press release: here


Plant resistance to drought depends on timely stomatal closure

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Here is a post about our recent publication investigating the link between stomatal closure and embolism resistance


co-authors: Nicolas Martin-StPaul and Hervé Cochard

Main output: All species close stomata before -4MPa: read the paper here

ecol lett























Aridity drove the evolution of extreme embolism resistance and the radiation of conifer genus Callitris.

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Our results provide strong evidence that the evolution of extreme xylem embolism resistance accompanied the radiation of the Callitris clade and was driven by the aridification of the Australian continent during the last 30 million yr. link

NP cal

MICRO CT Beamline

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Microcomputed tomography (microCT) analysis is a powerful tool for the evaluation of plant hydraulic safety

Our Synchrotron world tour

Bean on

SOLEIL (Paris synchrotron) in 2015-2016

DLS (Diamond Light Source) in February 2013 link

ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility) in October 2012 link

SLS (Swiss Light Source) in September 2012 and September 2011 link

Oak: xylem pressure = -1MPaOak no embolism Oak: xylem pressure = -6MPaOak embolismt
DSC_0268mms_img13163446190_3 mms_img2947323440_0DSC_0248




SLS 2012


Refilling in Vitis via root pressure

SOLEIL IMG_20160528_165529



INRA Laurel Wreath for Excellence

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I was awarded the INRA Laurel Wreath for Excellence by Thierry Mandon, French Minister of State for Higher Education and Research, and François Houllier, President of INRA in December 2015, after selection by an international committee. This early career award was obtained for my work on resistance to drought in trees, within the broader scope of research on the adaptation of forests to climate change.

Tackling drought, root and branch


Le Monde


Article: Le monde



Leaf hydraulics

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Leaf hydraulics:  wicked easy (Fingers in the nose)


Visualizing embolism in Laurel leaves

Bruny island 2016


By imaging a laurel leaf at 3 min intervals and by subtracting the difference between the images to see where an embolism formed, we were able to determine at which water potential laurel leaves cavitate. Images were colorized by how much time had elapsed and combined to give a complete picture of the plant’s response to water stress.


This new technique to measure resistance to water stress was developped by Brodribb et al (2016) and is now running at the GENOBOIS Platform Caviplace.


This study was conducted by Déborah Corso, Laurent J Lamarque, Gaëlle Capdeville, José Manuel Torres Ruiz, Régis Burlett and Sylvain Delzon.


It has been carried out with financial support from the French National Research Agency (ANR) in the frame of the Investments

for the future Programme, within the Cluster of Excellence COTE (ANR-10-LABX-45).






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The big one is ready

photo 2



Coming soon!!!



We might be able to measure 1m long samples; but not so sure… if not Jarmila suggested to put in on wheels, drag it to the town square and charge admission for rides!


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Have a look through this great courses on the science of evolution. link

Evolution does not work this way.