Sylvain Delzon,
Scientific head, researcher at INRA

Sylvain is a Senior Researcher in Forest Ecology at INRA (French National Institute for Agricultural Research, BIOGECO Unit). He works at the crossroads of plant ecology, physiology, and evolutionary biology. His primary research interest is the understanding of plant ecophysiological responses to environment changes. He set up the lab in 2006, when he was permanent lecturer at the University of Bordeaux.
Regis Burlett,
Designer, poet-artist and physical measurements engineer

Regis is engineer in Physics and was the first to join the lab in 2007. He developed the automatic version of the Cavitron and the CAVI1000 in collaboration with a local company, DG-Meca.
Gaëlle Capdeville,
Platform manager, technician at INRA

Gaelle joined the lab in January of 2013 after several years of running a molecular biology lab at the Fruit department of INRA. Since joining us, she has spent the last three years in managing the CAVIPLACE and performing vulnerability to cavitation curves.
Laurent Lamarque,
Postdoctoral Associate

Laurent joined the lab in January 2016. He completed his master’s degree in the lab in 2006 before crossing the Atlantic Ocean to deepen the study of invasive maple trees and complete his Ph.D. at York University, Toronto in the lab of Chris Lortie. He moved to Northern Quebec in 2013 to work on protection and sustainable development projects of the boreal forest (, before joining the lab of Esther Lévesque at the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières in 2015 as a postdoctoral associate to work on the shrubification of the Arctic. Laurent’s interests lay at the crossroads of plant ecology, ecophysiology and evolutionary biology. His research in the lab will be funded by the IdEx Bordeaux programme ( and will be cosupervised by Greg Gambetta from the Institut des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin (’s publications (per ResearchGate)
Thomas Caignard,
PhD student from 2015

Tree population responses to climate change: monitoring reproduction into the wild.
Activités de recherches
Key words: Trees’ reproduction – Masting – Fitness – Gradient of selection – Climate change
Phenology is a sensitive biosphere indicator of climate change. Although changes in vegetative phenology have considerable consequences for ecosystem functioning (Keeling et al 1996), we lack information on the response of reproductive phenology in forest trees to climate change. Yet, reproduction is one of the most important traits in determining plant fitness. Because the flowering and fruiting phenology of plants is sensitive to environmental cues such as temperature and moisture (Piovesan and Adams, 2001; Richardson et al 2005), climate change is likely to alter patterns of reproductive traits (Hedhly et al 2008).
My Ph.D. focuses on the ways that trees respond to environmental changes by understanding the sensitivity of reproduction to temperature. In order to figure out this, my interests lie at the intersection of functional ecology and evolutionary biology. I am interested in both the mechanisms that drive trees’ reproduction by studying masting process under climate change, and the genetic and phenotypic variability of several reproduction traits along environmental gradients.
Since 2014 I’ve been a Ph.D. student at INRA – UMR Biogeco and Bordeaux University in Ecology. I’m co-advised by Sylvain Delzon and Antoine Kremer.
Anne-Isabelle Gravel,

Anne-Isabelle joined the lab in Sept 2017. She comes from Quebec and loves home made Poutine gravy.
Noelia Gonzalez Muñoz,
Postdoctoral Researcher

Noelia joined the lab in May 2015, thanks to an AgreenSkills postdoctoral fellowship, after finishing her first and itinerant postdoc at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Universidad de Alcalá, Université Paris-Sud and INRA-Bordeaux. She has a strong background in ecology, ecophysiology, invasive trees, climate change and ecological modelling. Her current project aims to assess the main drivers of drought induced conifer mortality from global to plant scales, combining spatial modelling and experimental approaches.
You can find more information here: or maybe follow her on Twitter at: @NGonzalez_Munoz
José Manuel Torres-Ruiz,
Postdoctoral Researcher

José M. received his PhD in Biology from the Univ. of Seville (Spain) in 2012 and, after a first period as a postdoc at the Univ. of Bologna (Italy), joined the lab in March 2014. His main research interests are plant hydraulics, xylem functional anatomy and plant water relations. His work at Delzon’s lab is on evolutionary ecophysiology, evaluating the evolution of the xylem function by comparing extant and extinct tree populations.
Google Scholar profile
Researchgate profile
Twitter: @torresruizjm
Cyril Firmat,
Postdoctoral Researcher

The general aim of my work is to investigate how much the genetic architecture of complex phenotypes is able to predict micro- and macroevolution. I combine quantitative genetic approaches (pedigree- and artificial selection-based and association genomic approaches) with comparative methods, often in relation with mathematical and numerical models of evolution. Currently, my specific aim is understanding the evolutionary dynamic of leaf phenological traits and their reaction norms in a metapopulation of white oaks spread along a broad environmental range. My work is funded by the ANR project MeCC.
Guillaume Charrier,
Postdoctoral Researcher

I am a plant ecophysiologist which research interest is to study the impact of abiotic stresses on plant distribution through physiological drivers. Hence, I used experimental results to explain, develop concepts and model the processes related to frost vulnerability (e.g. carbon balance, phenology, hydraulic conductivity) and how it impacts tree distribution. I currently work on the impact of drought stress on grapevine in collaboration with ISVV (UMR EGFV), UMR Biogeco and UMR ISPA.
Pauline Bouche,
PhD student

After completing my master thesis at Sylvain Delzon lab, I integrated Ulm University in Germany for a joined PhD thesis. I was supervised by Steven Jansen in Germany and Sylvain Delzon in Bordeaux. I studied the functional role of torus-margo pits in the xylem of conifers and the variability of cavitation resistance at the inter-specific level and within a tree.
Hafiz Bashir Ahmad,
PhD student

Brief introduction of PhD work
I Joined Sylvain Delzon’s lab in 2014 to do my PhD under his supervision. Anabel Porte and Christophe Plomion are my co advisors. Ecophysiology, wood anatomy and genetics are the areas of my interest. The objective of my PhD project is to investigate the intraspecific variability in cavitation resistance in conifers including conifers from Pakistan as well as in several crop species such as sunflower. Rising global temperatures linked with climate change have enhanced drought induced tree mortality irrespective of the region of their existence affecting the global net primary productivity. The ability of woody plants to survive and recover from long drought spells is strongly associated with their ability to resist cavitation. The physiological and genomic basis of cavitation resistance are, therefore, of vital importance to understand the ability of woody species to transport water during drought events and predicting drought induced forest decline at regional and global levels. I am focusing xylem anatomy to find out anatomical traits linked with drought resistance. Quantitative Trait Locus (QTL) Analysis will be conducted to detect the genomic regions involved in cavitation resistance in maritime pine (Pinus pinaster).
Maximilien Larter,
PhD student

After completing my Masters here at Bordeaux University, I’m currently in the final stages of my PhD on the evolution of cavitation resistance in conifers (my advisers are Sylvain D. and Jean-Christophe Domec). I use phylogenies and various comparative methods to understand trait macro-evolution. I’m interested in particular in how climate has shaped the evolution of conifers (diversification patterns) and how this relates to cavitation resistance. I also have a soft spot for Australian conifers and spinning bits of them very (very) fast.
google scholar profile
Twitter: @maxlarter
Cécile Dantec (PhD student)
(2009-2014 / co-advisor ML. Desprez-Loustau)
- Thesis subject: Caractérisation des contraintes biotiques et abiotiques sur la phenologie printanière du chêne
Laurent J. Lamarque (PhD student)
(2008-2013 / co-advisor C. Lortie)
- Thesis subject: Ecology and Evolution of Invasive Maple Tree Species pdf
Morgane Urli (PhD student)
(2009-2012 / co-advisor A. Kremer / A. Porté)
- Thesis subject: Responses of tree species to global change: biogeographical and ecophysiological approaches pdf
Jean-Baptiste Lamy
(2009-2012 / co-advisor C. Plomion / H. Cochard)
- Thesis subject: Genetic variations and phenotypic plasticity of cavitation resistance. pdf
Caroline Bresson
(2007-2010 / co-advisor A. Kremer)
- Thesis subject: Altitudinal trends in leaf functional traits of tree populations: environmental vs. genetic determinism. pdf
Florian Alberto
(2006-2010 / co-advisor A. Kremer)
- Thesis subject: Differenciation phénologique et moléculaire du chêne sessile le long de gradients environnementaux. pdf
Yann Vitasse
(2005-2009 co-advisor R. Michalet)
- Thesis subject: Determinism of tree phenology pdf
MASTER Students
Name | Level | Report title | Year | Lab/advisors | Keywords |
Julia Cruz Sablera | Licence III | Caractérisation de la variabilité intra-arbre de la résistance à la cavitation | Juin 14 | BIOGECO Delzon | Cavitation / résistance à la sècheresse / arbre |
Florine Routier | Licence II UniB | Variabilité des traits foliaires entre populations de chêne | Juil 14 | BIOGECO Delzon | Adaptation des espèces / changement climatique |
Thomas Caignard | MASTER II UniB | Quantification de l’effort de reproduction des chênes dans le long d’un gradient altitudinal | Juil 14 | BIOGECO Delzon | Cavitation / résistance à la sècheresse / arbre |
Florian Dufour | Bordeaux Science Agro 3eme année | Variabilité de la résistance à la sècheresse du Pin d’Alep au sein de son aire de répartition | Juil 14 | BIOGECO Delzon | Adaptation des espèces / changement climatique |
Thibaut Chauvin | MASTER I BEC UB1 | Plasticité phénotypique de la croissance et de la phénologie chez deux espèces forestières | Juin 13 | BIOGECO Delzon | Adaptation des espèces / changement climatique |
Maximilien Larter | DU UB1 | Cupressaceae drive evolutionnary lability of drought tolerance in Conifers | Mai 12 | BIOGECO Delzon | Cavitation / résistance à la sècheresse / arbre |
Pauline Bouche | MASTER II BEC UB1 | Worldwide variation of cavitation resistance in the Pinales order: mechanisms and tradeoffs | Juin 12 | BIOGECO Delzon | Cavitation / résistance à la sècheresse / arbre |
Pierre Ouallet | ENITA 2eme année | Relationships between wood density and drought tolerance within the pinophyta division | Sept 11 | BIOGECO Delzon | Cavitation / résistance à la sècheresse / arbre |
Pauline Bouche | MASTER I Ecologie UB1 | Résistance à la cavitation chez les conifères: variabilité inter- et intra-spécifique | Juin 11 | BIOGECO Delzon | Cavitation / résistance à la sècheresse / arbre |
Maximilien Larter | MASTER II FMET UB1 | Drought tolerance in conifers shows high levels of homoplasy | Juin 11 | BIOGECO Delzon | Cavitation / résistance à la sècheresse / arbre |
Cécilia Saubusse | MASTER II FMET UB1 | Altitudinal shift in tree growth optimum | Juin 11 | BIOGECO Delzon | Répartition des espèces / changement climatique |
Mélanie Lucas | MASTER II ENITA 3ème année | Evidence of cavitation resistance increase through the life cycle of maritime pine trees | Sept 10 | BIOGECO Delzon | Cavitation / résistance à la sècheresse / arbre |
Valentin Paillette | MASTER II EBE Paris XI | Déplacement altitudinal de l’optimum de croissance du hêtre dans les Pyrénées | Juin 10 | BIOGECO Delzon | Répartition des espèces / changement climatique |
Andrès Plaza Aguilar | MASTER II FMET UB1 | Assessment of cavitation resistance at the inter- and intra-specific level in trees | Juin 10 | BIOGECO Delzon | Cavitation / résistance à la sècheresse / arbre |
Emilie Duphil | MASTER I Ecologie UB1 | Estimation du potentiel hydrique létal de 6 espèces d’arbres | Juin 10 | BIOGECO Delzon / Porté | Cavitation / résistance à la sècheresse / arbre |
Astrid Moreau | MASTER I Rennes | Evaluation de l’efficacité de méthodes de lutte contre l’espèce invasive Acer negundo L. | Juin 10 | BIOGECO Delzon / Porté | Invasion biologique / érable |
Elsa Martineau | Licence III UB1 | Caractérisation de la résistance à la sècheresse des arbres : suivi expérimental d’un stress hydrique extrême | Sept 10 | BIOGECO Delzon / Porté | Cavitation / résistance à la sècheresse / arbre |
Catherine Parrat d’Andert | LICENCE II UB1 | Evolution de l’embolie native au cours d’une sècheresse prolongée | Sept 10 | BIOGECO Delzon / Porté | Cavitation / résistance à la sècheresse / arbre |
Morgane Urli | MASTER II FMET | Altitudinal shifts in tree species distribution and growth of Iberian mountains: a detectable fingerprint of climate change? | Juin 09 | BIOGECO / INIA Madrid Porté / Zavala/Delzon | Répartition des espèces / changement climatique |
Olivier Felis | MASTER II FMET | Variations génétiques et plasticité phénotypique de populations invasives et natives chez deux espèces d’Erable. | Juin 09 | BIOGECO Delzon | Invasion biologique / érable |
Jean-Baptiste Lamy | MASTER II FMET | Ecophysiologie de Quercus ilex, L. et Quercus robur, L. en limite de leur aire de répartition dans un contexte de changement global récent | Juin 08 | BIOGECO Delzon | Répartition des espèces / changement climatique |
Audrey Lugot | MASTER II FMET | Growth, morphological and physiological traits of an invasive and native tree species in riparian habitats of Southern France | Juin 08 | BIOGECO Delzon | Invasion biologique / érable |
Morgane Urli | MASTER I UB1 | Discrimination isotopique du carbone des espèces arborées dominantes des forêts littorales aquitaines | Juin 08 | BIOGECO Delzon | Adaptation / changement climatique |
Clément Chomeau | LICENCE III UB1 | Comparaison des stratégies hydriques de Quercus ilex et Q. robur dans un contexte de changement global | Sept 08 | BIOGECO Delzon | Adaptation / changement climatique |
Fabien Back | MASTER I UB1 | Différenciation génétique de traits fonctionnels chez Fagus sylvatica : utilisation d’un test de provenances | Juin 08 | BIOGECO Delzon | Adaptation / changement climatique |
Laurent Lamarque | DES UB1 | Théories des invasions biologiques et méta-analyses sur les espèces invasives arborescentes | Mai 07 | BIOGECO Delzon | Invasion biologique / érable |
Caroline Bresson | MASTER II FMET | Variations de traits fonctionnels le long de gradients altitudinaux dans les Pyrénées et importance du déterminisme génétique pour la phénologie chez le chêne sessile et le hêtre commun | Juin 07 | BIOGECO Delzon | Adaptation / changement climatique |
Cyril Douthe | MASTER II FMET | Diversité génétique de la vulnérabilité à la cavitation chez le Pin maritime et variation inter-spécifique dans le taxon des conifères | Juin 07 | BIOGECO Delzon | Cavitation / résistance à la sècheresse / arbre |
Cécile Lamouroux | MASTER I UB1 | Etude de la vitesse d’invasion de l’érable negundo en ripisylves | Juin 07 | BIOGECO Delzon | Invasion biologique / érable |
Elsa Alfonsi | MASTER I UB1 | Adaptations locales et plasticité phénotypique de la croissance et de la phénologie de populations de six espèces d’arbres le long de gradients altitudinaux | Juin 07 | BIOGECO Delzon | Adaptation / changement climatique |
Laurent Lamarque | MASTER II UB1 | Comparaison de traits physiologiques entre des espèces invasives et natives | Juin 06 | BIOGECO Delzon | Invasion biologique / érable |
Caroline Bresson | MASTER I UB1 | Déterminisme phénologique de trois espèces d’arbres : environnement vs. génétique | Juin 06 | BIOGECO Delzon | Adaptation / changement climatique |
Aurore Peytavin | MASTER I UB1 | Caractérisation de la teneur en azote foliaire d’une espèce invasive (Acer negundo) | Juin 06 | BIOGECO Delzon | Invasion biologique / érable |
Yann Vitasse | MASTER II UB1 | Mesures et modélisation des dates de débourrement des bourgeons de six espèces ligneuses le long d’un gradient altitudinal dans les Pyrénées | Juin 05 | BIOGECO Delzon/Kremer | Phenology / Adaptation / changement climatique |
Constant Signarbieux | MASTER II UB1 | Invasions biologiques: potentialité d’invasion de l’Erable negundo dans les ripisylves du Sud de la France | Juin 05 | BIOGECO Delzon/Michalet | Invasion biologique / érable |
Laurent Lamarque | MASTER I UB1 | Potentialités d’invasion de l’Erable Américain (Acer negundo) dans les ripisylves du Sud de la France | Juin 05 | BIOGECO Delzon | Invasion biologique / érable |